Why Your Blog Needs a Small Following

Have you ever wondered if all this effort is worth it? You work all day at your regular job, come home, and write until 2am. Hit the publish button and…

3 people read your post.



Maybe you recieve a lot of views but nobody ever comes back.

Am I crazy?” You ask yourself…

“Why am I doing this?”

There are countless people online that will tell you that they can help grow your traffic and your site can be a success.

They will give you countless tips such as hopping on social media and promoting your site.


I’m personally tired of reading about a man or woman who grew a website to 100,000 views/month in 8 months.

This kind of info seems to permeate every site I read these days. This is not the real world. They talk about how they made $50,000 last month and how their system can work for you.

Sure, there are plenty of people who can do that. But, most of you don’t have years of experience to lean on. You aren’t experts on SEO, CSS, and all the other blogging abbreviations.

You just type your thoughts onto the screen and hope that people will find you and read what you wrote.

Or, maybe you have a solid understanding. But, you are not an expert.

If you are an expert, you can stop reading now and go create a blogging empire.

As for the rest of us, I will continue…

It would be nice if there was a roadmap that you could follow.

The truth is you may spend months writing on your blog or website and have little to show for it.

So, what is the answer? Do you just continue to construct posts day after day hoping that people will find you?

You want to be heard, dang it!! (G rated version)

But, it seems few people are listening.

Here is a thought…

You are exactly where you need to be.

This may be hard to hear. Maybe you don’t want to hear it. But, you may not be quite ready for the big show. There are numerous reasons. None of them are things that you can’t change. Let’s take a look at a few.

Writing Skills

Writing is like most other things in life. It takes time to get better. You must develop as a writer and find your voice.


“I am an excellent writer!” you say.

Let’s inspect deeper…

Various Other Aspects

  • What about your SEO?
  • Is your site easy to navigate?
  • Are you posting regularly?

These are some foundation things you may want to look at. I examined a bunch of blogs that had over 1,000 followers. I noticed that most of them posted consistently. They also had easy to navigate sites.

Most of these things just take time to learn. You should take the time to look at it if you want to be successful.

Structure and Content

  • Have you researched what people are interested in reading?
  • Is there a better way to structure your content?

These are important too. Try to take the time to see if your content is something people are interested in reading. Check out some blogs or social media and see what people are talking about.

Also, make sure it’s structured in a way that it is easy for people to read. Most of us learned in school that you need an outline for a paper. It’s no different when writing online.

These are just a few pointers. There are many more. I am not an expert. I’m still learning. But, I will try to go into more dept in a later post.

So, the next question is…

What is the rush?

Why are you thinking about things like driving traffic from social media to your blog if it is sub par?

Maybe you need a small following right now while you hone in your skills.

Take this opportunity to work on your instabilities. Do it while your traffic is low. As you get better, hopefully your traffic will increase.

If it doesn’t and you have everything laid out perfectly. Then, it may be time to drive some traffic to your site.

Spend this time preparing for when your traffic spikes. You want to take advantage of this situation. Work on pursuing the next level.

How much would you regret if you weren’t ready. You suddenly get 10,000 visitors and you have nothing to write because you haven’t researched. Or, none of your visitors can navigate your site to find articles.

Take this time to prepare and practice. Your time is coming and you want to be ready.

So, how can you prepare?


Well laid out and polished content is king. You want to make sure you are working to get better. I noticed that the all the bigger blogs have excellent content.

I am not going to lie and tell you I have this all figured out. I’m learning right along side you. But, I understand when I visit a site, I want great quality.

Can you remember a time when someone was genuinely interested in you? When someone clicks on your blog or site, this is your chance to show them who you are and what you are about.

Don’t just throw some words on the page. Take some time to think about what your reader would love to learn about you. Make it entertaining.

Your reader’s time is valuable. Don’t waste it! Don’t let them open your About page and it has nothing about you on there (I’m guilty of this).

Short Post

Have you ever read a post that you were very interested in and it ended up only being 300 words. Such a let-down. You wanted more! But, the author just quit writing for whatever reason.

I’m not saying all your posts need to be long. But, if it’s something you know people are interested in. Give them something to read.

Hitting Publish Button too Quickly.

So, you finally created a post that you know people will love. Wait! Don’t hit publish. We are all so excited to get our words onto the internet.

Take a few hours or a day to think about your content. Are you leaving any questions unanswered?

That is how I wrote this post. I typed it out and then stepped back for a day and thought about it. I added a few things and rewrote it. Next, I thought about it some more.

I kept refining the material. Making it better. I didn’t publish my first draft. I crafted and polished it. I didn’t publish my second or third draft either.

You may be reading this and telling yourself this guy’s writing sucks! That is ok because I know that this is my best. I gave it everything I had. I didn’t take any shortcuts.

If you write poetry, write the best poetry you can write.

If you write about your life, make it interesting and fun.

If recipes are your niche, get creative and make me want more.

If you like writing short stories make them amazing.

When I post something, I want people to be excited to read it. I want my readers to know that I spent time considering what they want. Mostly, I want people to know that I value their time.

How do I do this?

I try to lay out the best posts that I can possibly write every time.

My site may not have the best theme. The structure of my posts may not be perfect. My content may pale in comparison to the best bloggers.

But, I gave it my all. I gave my 48 followers the best that I could write.

Maybe you should do the same.

Good luck out there…

32 thoughts on “Why Your Blog Needs a Small Following”

  1. This is a great post! Many well made points. It’s improtant to remember why we do this isn’t it. We write for us. We enjoy our little mini adventures and our days out and having a good valid reason for meeting up, other than just to hang out. Not going to lie ,It’s hard when one compares oneself to veterans in the blog world and self doubt sets in. But one just have to shake it off and be the best version of us right now and as we grow as people so will our blogs. Keep up the good work! / Anna (one half of the Cinnamon Buns and Roses blog)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read my post…and yes, I would agree with you…self doubt seems to be a common occurrence if you compare yourself to someone who has practiced more than you…

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for this! As a new blogger, I need to be reminded that the fact that I am not getting as much traffic as I might like may actually be a good thing.


  3. Typo alert:
    “You may be readjng this”
    should be:
    “You may be reading this”
    Unlike normal typos you may want to fix this one, as it appears just when you’re talking about refining your work! 😉 — I prefer to think that you kindly left this one in for me to find 🙂


      1. Happy to help. This kind of thing is all too easily done — I often hear the advice that one shouldn’t rely too heavily on one’s own proofreading abilities (I have a tendency to trust my own too much, even though I’ve been shown up many times!).

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I like your perspective about not being ready for a large following and taking time to prepare by researching and refining writing skills. I started my blog to grow my coaching business and the SEO part of it is extremely difficult. I can see now why digital marketers who specialize in SEO make so much money. Thanks for your insight!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi John,

    This was a very honest and informative post. I’m only on day 1 of my blogging adventure so it has given me some things to think about. Very helpful. Thanks.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post – I have to admit I hate the saying “content is king”! It doesn’t tell you anything about the content at all! Is it quality content? Is it well researched and proofread? Or is it just SEO, keyword stuffed content being pushed out with quantity prioritised over quality? Unfortunately I think there is too much of the latter! Thanks for your much needed insight.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi John

    Great post. I commented on another post earlier that I wish for an organic following I will not play the “follow me and I will follow you” games. It turns me off when I see many bloggers in the pool do it. Good posts jump out you. Quality over quantity any day.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great thought out post that I think hits the nail on a lot if things bloggers struggle with. Patience is key and taking time to write a great post is so important as you mentioned. Build slowly and enjoy the progress as you get better with time and practice 👍✌️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is such an eye opener. I will put more thought in what I write, as before I would go with my instinct and read it out loud a few times. I may not be the best writer but I honestly feel I am truly being me, and that is bottom line, what everyone needs to do. Any way I cant wait to see your next post!


  10. This is such a great read and on point… I learned so much about posting and grow from the first time I posted and that was back in 2013, I didn’t know what I was doing all I wanted is to post my recipes so people could try and enjoy my food..
    Now I been looking back to update my old posts and when I read them I am like what heck lady looooool
    It’s not about how many people following me it’s about the quality of them and how they engage with my posts!
    Thanks for you’re post, it gives an encouragement to the new comers like me 😃


  11. This is apt, the most relevant thing I have read as a newbie blogger. And I think my most engaging post so far was the very one I reviewed about 20times, lol. Thank you for this


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